Monday, September 22, 2008


Lately I've been practising how to be a flirt. lol.

Sounds ridiculous right? I usually do it in the cafeteria at uni and yes, I do get discounts from the 30-some year old ladies. $1 or more, it's better than nothing. They even break into conversation with me, where I have to shortly decline the chat in favour of seeing my friends.

I think it was last week or something where I had to purchase my new contacts, and I was being my very provocative self again (lol) you know, doing the whole she-bang: smiling, tone of voice, suggestive body language and such. It reached the point where she was trying to be cute to me by making me pick a colour from the top of my head, and she would give me a bag of that colour to hold my supplies. Later on I was standing outside the store with my friends, and they were like "You need solution man!" but me being the poverty stricken boy (who used parents health cover to claim 6 months worth of free contacts) had to decline. I don't know what happened but the woman who was working in the optometrist place came running outside to give me like $20 worth of free solution.
"Take this just incase Ren!"
"Are you sure? Here's $20"
"No need :) *teheheh~*"

..yay to me.

Second most recent incident was 2 days ago. My mom told me she put money on my eftpos card so I made my way to the fuel station to fuel my car with my brother, to go pick up my oldest sister (who lost her license and she was all over the news about it) from work. I put fuel in and went to go pay for it but my card declined!! omg I didn't haf any money to pay for it. I told the guy there, I'm sorry I'll haf to wait for my mommy to get here to pay for it since I don't have any cash on me. He looked at me and replied "hey, don't worry about it. Today I'll pay for your fuel okay?" I looked at him, smiled :D followed by a wink and said thanks!

boooyeha! My bitch-ass is paying for me.. slowly. lawl.

If only it were possible to get myself a Mercedes slk with it.

lol. Anyway,

people are just so nice these days.

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