Monday, April 13, 2009


I know it was a major fail for me not to get into the class 4 (the better class) in a test I had two weeks ago.. BUT! last weeks series of tests have scored me a place in 3A (the better class)!! I couldn't believe it. My friends that have ALWAYS, ALWAYS scored better than me in the test, were put into class 3B - which they commented on today that their lecture wasn't difficult at all. All I could say was, mine was fairly difficult! I couldn't handle the pace of the lecture, but it just means that it's more of a challenge. Overall, I'm so proud of myself. Being the Asian that I am, when I was with alll my friends who got into the lower class.. I just didn't bring it up. BUT ONLINE teheheh SUCKED IN BITCHES I AM NUMERO UNO!

That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHA! wtf. I wasn't even aware that you were updating this site until I saw it in my dashboard! and lol @ the 'good news'. You know, it still brings a cheesy smile to my face whenever I think about Saturday night. HE had it coming :)))))))))))))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!