Friday, October 24, 2008

Everything is shitting on me at once.

I'm just not handling the stress very well.


I broke up with my boyfriend 'cause of a lot of contributive reasons.

Yes he was loaded..

but it seems I'm not that materialistic enough to stick by him. (wth)

Yet I'm that superficial enough to not be attracted to him.

sigh :(

however the ex-gf and I are patching up things.
i know.
i'm complicated right?

School is just crap. so much to do so little time to do it in.

I ain't the type of guy to put up with peoples shit--or tolerate attitude

which is what i've been doing a lot..

Ima turn super saiyan and bust a cap in somebody's ass soon.

.. but for now i'll just stick to listening to classical music to sooth my soul.

in depressing moments like these, what do I usually do?

make faces.


mstpbound said...

hey send me an email and i'll tell you my aim :)

mstpbound said...

oh shiet i forgot that i took my email off: